Sunday, May 24, 2009

Some brave folks!

These people braved the very cold, wet weather to take their boat out on the Waikato river. I don't know whether to admire them, or pity them!


Anonymous said...

It even looks cold. I suppose you are very eager and anxious for winter to arrive there. We are ready for summer. It was hot enough here yesterday so that we turned the air conditioning on. It was 29.4 C

Ducks and lambs are like that if you get them young enough. They follow you better than most cats and dogs. I had a pet sheep once. He became a Ram. I didn't want his tail cut so he had a long tail and was fond of butting my mother when she bent over in the vegetable garden.

brattcat said...

Just discovered your blog. Wonderful shots. I loved the duck. And the contemplative boy. And the jumping boys. Well, pretty much all of it.

Aimz said...

I guess it depends on the weather, I'd do it if it was a reasonably clear sunny day