Friday, August 29, 2008

Souvenir spoon

I love my morning espresso, especially if it's served with a cute souvenir spoon!


elsa said...

I love the spoon!

I collect as a child spoons... It's kitsch but I just can't throw them up! :)

Ineke said...

ooh. souvenir spoons. Lovely :)

Louis la Vache said...

"Louis," being a caffeine hound, skips the spoon and goes straight for the espresso - straight, down the hatch...

(Editor to "Louis:" (ahem) Une vache can't be a 'hound,' caffeine or otherwise...

"Louis" to Editor: Yeah, well, you're about to see me in 'pit bull mode'.... )

Jerez Sherry said...

Nice inviting shot!