This is not my local corner shop, as I usually shop at the supermarket for the sake of convenience. However, this morning I came across this "family store" on the way to my favourite breakfast place. This is truly an amazing little store. It sells just about anything, including the kitchen sink, methinks! ABC is an apt name for it! I think it is a lot of people's corner store.
ABC is a good name for a store which appears to have everything a person could possibly want.
Denton from Greenville and the Daily Photo Map.
Love it; I'd love to poke around in there for a long time!
This is one busy store....full of everything!
Looks pretty complete for sure! Great theme choice.
Good photo. I love the colors.
Looks like it might be fun to snoop around inside.
Interesting place. I'm sure you can find something from the pile. I like the randomness of what they are selling on front.
Very odd selection of stuff, who knows what you might find
Looks like many varieties of bargains can be found here.
Happy Theme Day!
J.C. of Subang Jaya Daily Photo
I liked your recent photos - beach, duck and corner store. All pictures of interest, and corner store is very colourful. - Dave
Talk about variety. This is the real variety store. Nice post.
ABC is a brilliant name choice. A good choice for your local. well done.
I have to search for this store! Looks like my kinda place
Nice one and very fitting name!
Greetings from
Oslo Daily Photo
I wonder if this is a chain because I think I remember seeing ABC stores in Hawaii.
Very colorful store full of everything!
It looks like it does have everything--inside and outside. MB
That looks like the store you go to after not finding what you want at the other stores. They probably do have everything.
Now this is my idea of the perfect corner store - I would love to browse through this place. Great choice :)
Yes, it does look like it sells anything you could want! Great choice for the theme :)
brilliant that looks like a great little shop
Incredible! There seems to be so many things to buy…
Me and My husband actually own this dairy. Thanks Guys! Come Drop by anytime :D
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