Saturday, June 6, 2009

Afternoon siesta is serious business!

This White Rhino is taking his afternoon nap in shade very seriously. He (or she) will not take kindly to any interruption!


Les said...

Strange to see a Rhino in New Zealand. Nice shot with more in the back ground. I recently posted a pic of some Rhinos taken at a game park north of Warm baths.

Marjan Panic said...

Is this picture from the zoo, or you really have them around Zealand?

Leif Hagen said...

WOW - don't mess with this guy! Everyone needs a nap once in a while. Great shot. Good you didn't ask them all to pose together!

Sakiwi said...

The photo was taken at Hamilton Zoo. They have a large collection of animals from all over the world. Rhinos are not endemic to New Zealand.

Aimz said...

I quite agree, it is the sort of weather for a sleep :-)

Baruch said...

'n Stukkie Afrika .....

Kcalpesh said...

Cute but huge! Nice shot!