Monday, June 1, 2009

June Theme Day: Feet

My take on the theme day is not very original and imaginative, but the same cannot be said of the two men whose feet are the focus of this photo. Both are educational stalwarts in the true sense of the word; between them they have decades of teaching experience. They defy the modern obsession with formative assessment; to them, the educational experience is an essential aspect of acquiring life experience. Their passion and commitment to their respective fields and students are legendary. To me, they represent all that is good and honourable about tertiary education. Both may be regarded as eccentric, simply because they do not conform to what others consider to be the normal mould. So what is normal anyway? Normality is a myth.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


Jane Hards Photography said...

The words to accompany this very striking image need to be read. This is everything that theme day should be individual interpretation of the theme. I couldn't agree you more about Normality.

Keropokman said...

A tribute to all the teachers of the world. They have to stand with these feet while teaching. (from kindergarten to university!)

Leif Hagen said...

Feet meet feet! Friendly FEET! Look at the feet we meet! New Zealand feet! Hairy Hamilton feet! Regards from EAGAN daily photo in Minnesota, USA

Kate said...

I have been following Leif on numerous blogs and can't help but smile. What can I say after his "poetry"...decidedly individual!

Copenhagen said...

Happy theme day. Please check out my blog.

Jilly said...

A lovely photo and wise words.

Anonymous said...

Love the pheet in your photo, as well as the commentary. Educators need to be better compensated for their work - everyone's futures are in their hands. (my hubby is a teacher too)

Julie said...

It is so refreshing to find a post where the text receives as much weight as the image. These words of yours are a treasure to read. I love the socks from the bottom of the pile.

Valued response to the theme ...

VP said...

I read your text and found it as important as the image. Excellent choice of image+words.

Aimz said...

Very cool dose of reality :-)