These are some more photos that I took yesterday at the height of the fog. People usually drive with their headlights and foglights on when the fog is this heavy. The university puts notices all over the place reminding motorists to switch off their lights.
I love how pretty and moody the bad weather can be. Love this one and the Foggy morning, especially being able to look at them from inside my cozy house ;-).
Thanks for your visit. You have some really nice photos on your blog.
Another lovely fog scene. Makes me long for fog here now to photograph :-)
At first sight I thought "FOG??? NOW??" .. then I remmbered where you are posting from!!!
I like this picture with the tree framing the top...very nice!
These two days of foggy photographs are just beautiful.
I enjoyed your first day of fog picture, it just so thick and created eerie feeling.
Thanks for all the comments!! Hamilton is well known for its foggy mornings, so expect some more photos in the future!
We love the fog, so different from where we come from in Richards Bay- hot and humid- love the photos- mooi so!
Very nice tones. And good composition.
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