Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Every now and again, a proper braai (the South African equivalent of a BBQ) is just the ticket! No gas in sight; just wood and fire, that eventually turn into glowing charcoal! My favourite braai meat is lamb shoulder chops; none of the pork sausage that the New Zealanders seem to love so much, for me!


Aimz said...

yum! I have a friend in SA who has told me about these.

Ben Nakagawa said...

Charcoal BBQ is the best. Unfortunately mine is gas, and I love thick juicy stakes rather than sausages.

Baruch said...

Wood fire ... that's the berries!

Saffers in NZ said...

Niks so lekker soos n regte egte braai!

Anonymous said...

oh braais are the best!

being a vegetarian now i REALLY miss them :-(